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Common Misconceptions About Plan Manager S Access To Ndis Plans | All Disability

Common Misconceptions About Plan Manager's Access to NDIS Plans

If you’re new to NDIS plan management, you probably have questions about how the process works. The level of access that plan managers have to your NDIS plan is an area that often causes confusion. 

In this guide, we’ll cover common misconceptions about plan managers’ access to your NDIS plan - and why it’s important to make sure they have the full picture. 

Misconception #1: The NDIS provides plan managers with a copy of your plan. 

It’s a little known fact that plan managers don’t have automatic access to your NDIS plan. 

The NDIS doesn’t loop in plan managers because of privacy concerns. Before a plan manager can see your plan or any updates, they must receive your permission. Only you can request a copy of your plan from the NDIS and authorise your plan manager to have full access. 

It’s recommended to set up access for your plan managers as soon as possible so that they have the full picture of your funding, supports, and allocations. If privacy is a concern, be aware that plan managers adhere to high standards of confidentiality and won’t share any of your details with others without your permission. 
Once your manager has access to your entire plan, they’ll be in the best position to help you maximise your NDIS resources. 

Misconception #2: The NDIS will automatically supply you with a copy of your plan. 

The NDIS works with participants all across the country. Basically, they have many people - and plans - to keep track of. The NDIS will provide you with a copy of your plan, but you may need to ask for it. 

You can request a copy of your plan over the phone or in writing via email. 

The NDIS, your plan manager, and your local support coordinator are always happy to help with your needs, but you may need to be proactive about requesting information and asking questions. There’s lots of valuable information on the NDIS website as well. 

Misconception #3: My plan manager already has the information they need to help me

Whether you’re starting fresh with a plan manager or have worked with one for some time, it’s critical to make sure they have all the documentation they need - especially if there are updates to your plan.

With the full picture, plan managers can verify that your funding is coming from the correct categories. This is especially useful during the COVID-19 pandemic when some changes have occurred with NDIS funding and how it could be used. Additionally, plan managers can look at your allocations to find items that might be managed by the NDIA (also known as agency-managed). 

It’s possible for participants to lose agency-managed funding if the funds aren’t utilised correctly, so make sure your plan manager is aware of all of your NDIA funding. They’ll make sure it’s handled correctly so that you don’t risk losing any funds. 

Your plan manager can also look at your allocations and, when allowed, shift your funds around as needed. Certain categories are flexible, so if you aren’t using funds toward one support, you may be able to allocate them to another. Your plan manager can review the information with you and point out any supports that might be eligible for re-allocation. 

If you’re ever uncertain about what documentation your manager does or doesn’t have, err on the side of caution and provide them with all the information that you have regarding your NDIS plan. 

How to get a copy of your NDIS plan for your plan manager 

If your manager doesn’t have full access to your NDIS plan, take action now to make sure they have all the information to provide you with the best possible support. Talk to your plan manager about the best way to deliver the plan, whether that’s via email, by post, or in person. Then, request a copy from the NDIS on your plan manager’s behalf. 

Common Misconceptions About Plan Manager's Access to NDIS Plans