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Ndis Support For Early Intervention What Is It And Am I Eligible | All Disability

NDIS Support for Early Intervention. What is it, and am I eligible?

Early intervention is care, support and resources for people at the earliest stage of their disability. 

The goal of early intervention is to lessen the potential future impact of the disability on the person as well as their future needs and support. This can substantially contribute to minimising the negative impact of their disability and increase the chances of them living a more normal life. Early intervention support is not age-based and is available to people between the ages of 7 and 65.

Am I eligible for early intervention support through the NDIS? 

Applicants must meet a list of requirements before they are considered eligible for NDIS early intervention support. One of the key requirements is that by receiving early intervention support, the participant will benefit in the long term. It is expected that early intervention supports provided won’t be required for a person’s lifetime. The NDIS consults with individuals, treating professionals and early childhood partners to establish how they can be of benefit. 

To be applicable for early intervention supports, all of the following needs to be met: 

1. A person would have an impairment that is likely to be permanent.
To meet the eligibility requirements, the impairment must likely be permanent, even if its functional impact fluctuates. This means there is a significant loss or change to the body’s function, structure, thinking or learning. 

2. A person would benefit long-term from early intervention and potentially require less disability support due to possible improvement in functional capacity.

It is important that your early intervention support will mean you will likely need less support in the future. According to the NDIS, the early intervention support must help with at least one of the following;

  • Addressing the impact of your impairment on your ability to move around, communicate, socialise, learn, look after yourself and organise your life.
  • Preventing your functional capacity from getting worse.
  • Improving your functional capacity.
  • Supporting your informal supports, which includes building their skills to help you.
The NDIS will also look at such things as how long you’ve had the impairment, how it might change over time or if your needs are expected to change in the near future. 

3. Funding would be most suitably provided by the NDIS. 

This means that you may not be eligible if the support you require can be funded by other general systems such as workers compensation. You also may not be eligible if the support comes under general public health medical services and treatments that are funded by the government.

What about Early Childhood Intervention? 

Children under 6 with developmental delay, who live in Australia and are Australian citizens or permanent residents may also be considered for early intervention. Under the NDIS, early childhood support allows families and carers quick access to specific support services for their child. Children younger than 7 don’t necessarily need a diagnosis yet to access early intervention support. The best way to get started is to speak with your doctor or healthcare professional, and they may refer you to an early childhood partner to determine what the next best step is for you and your family. 

How do I apply for early intervention support? 

If you think you might be eligible and want to apply:

  • make a verbal application by calling the NDIA on 1800 800 110
  • complete an Access Request Form and return it to the NDIA
  • Your local area coordinator or local NDIS office can help you apply. They can help you through the application process and be your point of contact. Find your nearest location.

How can All Disability Plan Management Help? 

Once an applicant has been approved to become an NDIS participant, an important part of the planning process is to establish how they would like to have their plan managed. Plan management is of no cost to the participant. We specialise in plan management, all participants need to do to become Plan Managed is to request for it to be included in their plan. If you’re interested in learning more, we’d be happy to help answer any questions you may have.

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NDIS Support for Early Intervention. What is it, and am I eligible?